The educational aim
The educational activities of the Chair leading to certificate are part of the undergraduate and graduate programs in Environmental Engineering at the University of Trento. Their general objective is to contribute to the creation of a new generation of engineers, socially and culturally aware and responsible, able to work in interdisciplinary and intercultural contexts and to foresee and assess the overall impact of engineering project on the local communities and on the environment.
From a methodological point of view, the Chair is committed to innovate traditional, teacher-centered academic engineering educational approaches, by builduing on its strenghts and seeking an effective integration with student-centered approaches, making use of active learning methodologies.
The programme of the Chair involves many practical experiences for the students of bachelor and master degree. The fieldwork is one of the strenghts of this career. It develops the technical knowledges about the research topics in accordance with the context. Furthermore, it enhances the soft skills, such as flexibility, interpersonal skills, responsibility and work ethic, of the partecipants.