This year we want to repeat the experience of the training course on water purification in emergency contexts organised yearly by the Italian Red Cross for the Master on management of water resources in international of Milano Bicocca and for our students opening it to external participants and adding an introductory day on water and sanitation. You are welcome to come and enjoy together with our students this enriching experience that will give you a basic operative WASH knowledge in emergency context.
The course will take place form Wednesday the 27th to Saturday the 30th of March 2019 at the headquarters of the Italian Red Cross in Bresso, located in Via G. Clerici 5. In the attached brochure you will find the terms of registration for the course. Registration is open to a maximum of 15 people. You can stay overnight and eat at the CRI camp in Bresso in multiple rooms at a cost of 10 euros per night ( including breakfast) and 5-8 euros per meal.
Link to the brochure: (since it is in italian, plese contact us if you need a translation): PDF programme.