ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION SEMINARS Over the last decades, the rapid effects of global change, mostly related to population growth, hectic production systems, and environmental and climate variations, have shown the paramount importance of environmental sustainability for […]
“Towards sustainable river management of water and sediment in Albania. Integrating the hydro-morpho-eco paradigm from research to river management.” This was the theme of the workshop organized by the UNESCO chair in within NaturAlbania project, funded by the […]
In the vast and diversified world of river shapes and environments, bifurcations and confluences represent two typical morphological features, characteristic of multi-thread systems such as braided rivers and fluvial delta. Bifurcations and confluences are often not isolated but […]
Francesco Del Greco, one of our master students supervised by Prof. Marco Ciolli and Researcher Clara Tattoni, is spending 3 months in the Bow Valley (Canada) for his master degree thesis project. In the Trentino Alto Adige region […]