We are very proud to share the news that a delegation of three students from the course “Methods of development cooperation and participatory project management” and Prof. Massimo Zortea is taking part in COP14.
The event is taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh and is titled “Investing in biodiversity for people and planet“. Our delegation has the opportunity to observe the dissertations and discussions on the creation of unilateral environmental conventions. At this year’s conference, national governments, regional organizations, and other key stakeholders from around the world will engage in intense discussions with the goal of making a final push to achieve agreed upon global biodiversity targets for 2020 and to start the momentum for an ambitious and achievable post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Some numbers: 194 Parties, 6 official spoken languages, 31 items to discuss in only 12 meeting-days.
Here is the commentary of one of the students engaged in the conference:
“Hello, this is Riccardo Amadio writing from COP14 CBD.
We are a group of students actually attending COP14 CBD among thousands of other participants (governments and civil society’s organizations).
The opportunity to participate to this great UN event has been promoted by prof. Massimo Zortea, from the University of Trento, DICAM Dept., Unesco Chair in Engineering for Human and Sustainable Development. The group is composed by two students, an alumna (graduated in law) and prof. Massimo Zortea.
We are extremely interested in environmental issues and we are now devoting our capacities and competencies to report a feedback on the status quo and the future perspectives in the implementation of the Convention and its Additional Protocols. Estela Thalía Palomino Ruiz is enrolled in the master on Communication of Science and Innovation and Riccardo Amadio his completing his master degree in law, while Veronica Pellizzari graduated at the School of Law last year.
After a preparatory course begun two months ago, we are now ready to understand the functioning of the Conference and the issues being discussed.
Therefore, we will try to report daily the main proceedings, accompanied by explanations and comments.”
Here is the link of the official website of the event: https://www.cbd.int/, have a look for further informations.
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