On Saturday 1st December, we organized a great event for all the students and professors who have joined the MSc “Integrated Environment and Landscape design in the context of international cooperation”, the MSc provided by the Unesco Chair in Engineering for Human and Sustainable Development.
We had the pleasure to meet again part of the past 80 students who graduated in this curriculum of studies in Rastel APS hub, https://www.facebook.com/bioparcodelrastel/. It gave us the chance to have a look of the effectiveness of the MSc, after 13 years of activities and projects, looking at the past to “refresh” the future.
After a briefly part of presentation of the participants, we started the core part of the plenary: the matrix interview. Thanks to the suggestion of Professor Gerardo de Luzenberger, we applied this participatory method making anyone essential to the reliability of the results. We split all people in 4 group, one for each questions:
1. How do you describe in few words the training programme of the MSc?
2. Thinking about the internship experience, what are, in your opinion, the pros and cons of this part of MSc?
3. Which elements of the training course do you think useful, and which not, in working areas different from cooperation?
4. Tell us one thing you’d eliminate and one you’d add to the MSc
Then, each group, according to a specific order of action, had to interview one person from another group or had to be interviewed by someone from the others. After 6 rounds, each group elaborated the results of the interviews and showed their outcomes adding their considerations about them.
We started a positive regeneration in the best way ever. Keep in touch to know what will be the next step!