We are pleased to share another good piece of news. Another former MSc student, Nicola Tamanini, won the master-thesis related prize regarding “Methodologies and appropriate technologies for the environmental management in low-income countries”, issued by CeTAmb LAB, University of Brescia. Along with Nicola, other two former students of the University of Brescia and Politecnico di Milano were awarded ex-equo. His work “Analisi e proposta delle migliorie all’impianto DEWATS di Msolwa, Tanzania” is about community scale wastewater management and biogas production. He did his research basing himself mainly on field work, conducted between August and November 2017, in a rural community of the Tanzanian mainland named Msolwa.
To go into details, he studied a wastewater treatment system with biogas production (DEWATS), which supplies a school with approximately 800 students enrolled. As an answer to the outcome critical points, he suggested possible solutions to enhance the performance of the plant and the use of the digestate.
He could reach his goals thanks to the support of the following partners: ABCS (Associazione Bertoni per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo del Terzo Mondo), Mission of Stigmatine Fathers and Brothers of Msolwa, GAV (Gruppo Autonomo Volontari per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo del Terzo Mondo) and BORDA (Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association).
The CeTAmb event was also an occasion to present the educational and research activities of the Unesco Chair in Engineering for Human and Sustainable Development and to have a look of other institutions that work on international cooperation. We are very glad to have joined the conference!
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