We are very proud to announce that one of our former student, Francesco Pavani, won the “Mario Falciai” award. He realized his research in Myanmar in 2015, deepening the rural water supply issue. The title of his thesis is: “Analisi e proposte progettuali per l’approvvigionamento idrico in quattro villaggi del Parco Nazionale Marino di Lampi, Myanmar”,
Even this year, the Department of Management of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems (GESAAAF) of the University of Florence offers the Academic Recognition in the name of “Mario Falciai” 2018 edition that rewards the best thesis on “Water and Cooperation” carried out by three-year or master students in Italian universities.
Who was Mario Falciai?
Mario Falciai was an engineer and professor of Agricultural hydraulics and hydraulic-forestry systems and died in 2015. His activity in international cooperation began as early as the 1970s, both in the training sector and in the field. With his commitment he has been one of the pillars of the cooperation activities of the University of Florence, in particular for the issues of rural development and water management. Here the link to have further informations.
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