Over the last decades, the rapid effects of global change, mostly related with population growth, hectic production systems, and environmental and climate variations, have shown the paramount importance of environmental sustainability for the livelihoods of Earth population and should be managed as a cross-cutting priority. Particular attention should be paid to low-income contexts, where a variety of imbalance and vulnerability factors might threaten or irreversibly affect the integrity of the last remaining near-natural ecosystems. In this framework, we launch the second edition of ESIC’s, a cycle of Environmental Sustainability and International Cooperation webinars aimed at exploring, together with actors of international cooperation and researchers, key environmental challenges of international interest and possible ways forward, drawing from the state of science and from the experience of local contexts. In each webinar a specific topic will be interactively discussed. In this second edition we will tackle further challenges, such as energy poverty, agrifood supply chain,  environmental conflicts and waste management, among others, with international  from academia, cooperation agencies, companies and NGOs.

Participants and registration

ESIC’s webinars are open to researchers and students, as well as practitioners of international cooperation, professionals and voluntary operators, belonging to profit and non-profit organizations, national and international institutions, networks, and professional associations.

DICAM-Unitrento students should register at this link:


Other participants should register at this link:


Organizing committee

  • Prof. Guido Zolezzi,
  • Eng. Marco Bezzi,
  • Law. Massimo Zortea,
  • PhD students Marta Crivellaro, Livia Serrao,
  • Research fellow, Nicola D’Alberton

Teaching method

A reminder email will be sent to all registered students and interested externals would be sent regularly.

A dedicated online training platform is here accessible, where you can find the Zoom webinar link, together with speakers’ presentations and additional material that will be progressively uploaded. 

The online web platform is accessible here: 


(registration key: ESIC’s2022)

Each webinar will last 2 academic hours (1 hour and 30 minutes) and will be in English. Two or three invited talks will take place in the first part, followed by an inclusive discussion and question/answers session

Final test

DICAM-UNITRENTO students with a 75% attendance to the webinars and pass the final test will be awarded 1 credit type F, students from other departments of UNITRENTO will have to ask to their department secretaries for credit recognition 

The final test consists of a written short report that participants must upload to the DOL (Didattica On-Line) platform. You will be asked to identify, describe and discuss a dual challenge (managerial and technical) among those that emerged across multiple (at least 2) webinars. The short report should cite at least two of the papers / documents made available in the DOL platform and should also outline possible ways forward to the discussed challenges.

The paper must be written in English, min. 1 page, max. 2 pages A4, font Arial 11 with single line spacing. Deadline for submission is 30/06/2022.

Certificate of Attendance

At the end of the cycle of webinars, participants who are not enrolled in UNITRENTO or who have not included the cycle of seminars in their study plan, if they explicitly request it, will be issued a certificate of attendance, provided they have attended at least 75% of the webinar hours.




Energy poverty

Alvaro Fernandez Baldor Martinez (UPV Valencia) 
Mauro Borin
(e4impact Foundation)
Sofia De Simone
(SEVA for Africa onlus)


Agrifood supply chain

Emanuela Bozzini
(Unitrento – C3A)
Maria Giulia Pelosi
(ACRA – Ecuador)


Waste management

Catherine Weetman
(Rethink global)
Guglielmo Mazzà


Water resources management
in data-scarcity contexts

Agusti Perez
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelonatech)
Matteo Barca
(Water and Habitat Delegate at ICRC)


Environmental conflicts

Alejandro Dussaillant
(Universidad de Aysén – Chile)
Thomas Festi


Nature-based solutions
for sustainable cities and landscapes

Emmanuelle Cohen-Shacham
(IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management)
Blal Adem Esmail
(Ruhr University Bochum)
